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     This chapter begins with the study of Differential Amplifiers and then the basic characteristics of Op-Amp such as Offset Voltage and Current, Bias Current, Slew Rate, CMRR, SVRR, etc. Then you have to study about the differences between Ideal and Practical Op-amp. Also, study the model of the practical op-amp which includes Input Resistance and Output Resistance also.
Then comes the most important concept in Op-Amp which is the concept of Virtual Ground. Based on this concept you have to understand the concept of Inverting Amplifier, Non-Inverting Amplifier, Inverting Summer, Non-Inverting Summer, Differentiator, Integrator, Current to Voltage Converter, Voltage Follower, etc. You should be able to solve any random circuit including Op-Amp using this concept.
      Then you have to study the non-linear applications of Op-Amp such as Precision Diode, Half Wave Rectifier, Full Wave Rectifier, Log Amplifier, and Anti-log amplifier. Then using this knowledge we can study the concept of Active Filters in which you have to understand the concept of deriving 3-dB frequency and also the nature of filter by comparing the response at 0 and infinite frequency.
Then comes one of the most important concepts that are positive feedback applications of Op-Amp in the form of Schmitt Trigger and then application of Schmitt Trigger to derive Astable Multivibrator, Mono-stable Multivibrator, and Triangle Wave Generator.
